  • 翻译

Watch movie magazines


  • 网络释义
  • 1

     Movie magazine

    ... media communication range is wide, fast, detailed, and vivid and lively, feedback quickly, 看电影杂志 » Movie magazine 怎么了? » What's wrong?

  • 2

     Cinema journal

    ... 他习惯了大城市的快节奏生活 » He accustomed to big city fast paced life 看电影杂志 » Cinema journal 一个人 » [object Object] ...

  • 3

     Watching a movie magazine

    ... 大功率 » Big power 看电影杂志 » Watching a movie magazine 号码不改吗? » Numbers do not change? ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    There are other things to do besides watch TV or movies or read magazines or newspapers or the Internet.
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    Join a local language club, take an evening course, find a native speaker, or make a habit of watching films or subscribing to a magazine in your "new" language.
  • 3
    Other interesting and fun way of learning is to watch movies, listen songs and read magazines in that language and increase my vocabulary day by day.