Real swords and spears
...(Classic)称得上是一次热身(Warm-up),或者到了10月的上海(Shanghai)大师赛上咱们就能望见两人真刀真枪(Real swords and spears)的对决。
the genuine article
...reak off a relation; 真刀真枪 real swords, real spears (idiom); every bit real; very much for real; the genuine article; real weapons 正反两面 ; reversible; both sides of the coin ..
very much for real
真传 authentic tradition 真刀真枪 real swords, real spears (idiom); every bit real; very much for real; the genuine article; real weapons 真的 really ..
real swords, real spears
用户端登入表单 Client logon form 真刀真枪 real swords, real spears (idiom); every bit real; very much for real; the genuine article; real weapons 真刀真枪 real weapons; every bit real; re...
fight with the gloves off
真刀真枪,汉语成语,拼音是zhēn dāo zhēn qiāng,意思是真实的刀枪;比喻毫不作假,实实在在。出自《龙须沟》。