adopt the high-handed approach of using force
穷兵黩武(adopt the high-handed approach of using force)
wantonly engage in military aggression
穷兵黩武 wantonly engage in military aggression; use all one’s armed might to indulge in wars of aggression 雅俗共赏 appeal to both refined and popular tastes .
经传(chuán) 句读(dú) 贻笑大方(yí) 穷兵黩武(dú)D.郯(dàn) 针砭时弊(biǎn以资切磋(chuō) 谄媚(chǎn)2.
穷兵黩武,汉语成语,拼音qióng bīng dú wǔ,意思是竭尽所有的兵力,任意发动战争。出自《明史·范济传》。