penniless and full of care
... old but still full of vitality (idiom) 龙马精神; 龙马精神 penniless and full of care 穷愁; 穷愁 the full light of day (idiom) 光天化日 ...
穷 poor; exhausted 穷愁 penniless and full of care; destitute; troubled 穷愁潦倒 in dire straits; destitute and troubled ..
穷 poor; exhausted 穷愁 penniless and full of care; destitute; troubled 穷愁潦倒 in dire straits; destitute and troubled ..
destitute and troubled ; in dire straits
穷愁,汉语词汇。 拼音:qióng chóu, 释义:穷困愁苦, 出处《史记·平原君虞卿列传论》。