"To see a thousand miles; one should ascend another story."
Dedication for ; Ascend ; toascendanotherstoreytoseeathousandmilesfurther
So, a part of you wants to become the greatest whatever it is that you want to become and you wouldn't be here if you weren't very competitive and very eager to come out first, devoted to arete and your own version of that kind of thing.
所以 你的一部分意识想变成最伟大的人,不论你想要在哪个领域变得伟大,而且如果你没有竞争力,或不是一直争取第一,那你也不会坐在这里,力图更上一层楼,以穷千里目
古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
穷目 谓用尽目力远望。南朝 宋 鲍照 《代阳春登荆山行》:“极眺入云表,穷目尽帝州。” 清 萧芷厓 《秋居杂兴》诗:“书台穷目稻畦平,泽国风高白苎城。”