[生物] tube
...:远场涡流检测;铁磁性材料;管;热交换器;灵敏度 [gap=714]Keywords:Remotefieldeddycurrenttesting;Ferro2magneticmaterial;Tube;Heatexchanger;Sensitivity ...
[建] Pipe
压力容器无损检测_电子资料文库 关键词:超声检验;压力容器;焊缝;管;裂纹 [gap=618]Keywords :Ultrasonic testing ; Pressure vessel ; Weld ; Pipe ; Crack
[解剖] duct
democratic administration; democratic supervision ; democratic administration ; democratic governance ; democratic management
电子 Thyristor ; SCR ; Silicon Controlled Rectifier ; kp
having the Party manage itself well ; the (CPC) Party properly manages its own affairs; to supervise the (CPC) Party’s own conduct ; supervise its own conduct
“管”是个多义词,它可以指管(春秋时期诸侯国), 管(姓氏), 管(汉语汉字)。