be shrewd in money matters
...经久耐用 structural durabilities 精打细算 be shrewd in money matters; careful calculation and strict budgeting 居同类产品之魁首 to rank first among similar products 具有传统风味特色 distinc...
careful calculation and strict budgeting
...经久耐用 structural durabilities 精打细算 be shrewd in money matters; careful calculation and strict budgeting 居同类产品之魁首 to rank first among similar products 具有传统风味特色 distinctive for its traditional properties 具有中...
Plan carefully
...局比赛,足球推介足球贴士手感依然不好,断断续续的总共拿下24分,而马克-金进攻衔接流畅,每一次出杆都精打细算(Plan carefully),单杆轰出56分。足球推介足球贴士无力力挽狂澜,24比56又输掉一局,局分0比2送出赛点。
精打细算,汉语成语,拼音是jīng dǎ xì suàn,意思是精密地计划,详细地计算。指在使用人力、物力时计算得很精细。出自《妯娌》。