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     System Architecture Design

    System Architecture Design 系统架构设计师 ; 系统结构设计 ; 设计 Communication System Network Design 交通系统网络化设计 System Particular Design 系统详细设计 ..

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     erp system architect

    ... erp system architect 系统架构设计师 rational system architect 快捷键 Senior System Architect 高级系统架构师 ; 系统架构师 ...

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     System Architect

    ... System Architect系统架构设计师 Database Engineer数据库工程师 A research and Development Engineer前端研发工程师 ...

  • 双语例句
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    Even if you decide not to use SAML, the SAML specification answers many of the design questions that any system architect needs to answer when building an interoperable, Web-enabled system.
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    IBM Rational Soft ware Modeler: Rational Soft ware Modeler是一个基于统一建模语言(uml) 2.0的工具,它允许架构和分析师们创建系统的不同视图。
    IBM Rational Software Modeler: Rational Software Modeler is a tool based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 that allows architects and analysts to create different views of the system.
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    In capturing or representing the design of a system architecture, the architect will typically create one or more architecture models, possibly using different tools.