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     Purple Perilla Seed Oil

    信息 中文名称: 紫苏籽油 中文同义词: 紫苏籽油;紫苏籽油 PERILLA SEED OIL 英文名称: Purple Perilla Seed Oil 英文同义词: Purple Perilla Seed Oil CAS号: 分子式: 分子量: 0 EINECS号: 相关类别: 中草药成分;..

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     Perilla Seed Oil

    ...;紫苏籽油 [gap=1324]s: diacylglycerol; lipase-catalyzed; glycerolysis; response surface methodology; perilla seed oil ...

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     Perilla Oil

    ...产品详细介绍 紫苏籽油(Perilla oil)产品描述紫苏籽油,英文学名Perilla oil. 从唇形科用植物紫苏(Perilla frutesccns)的籽中获得,经低温压榨后采用先进的提纯浓缩工...

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     purple perilla seed oil

    紫苏籽油 purple perilla seed oil

  • 双语例句
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    XinQiDian offers Perilla seed oil for high quality edible oil, natural cosmetics, pharmaceutical Intermediates, nutritional supplements, food addictive, and health-care.
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    The different antioxidant components were extracted from the Perilla leaves or seed peel using different solvent, and their antioxidant activity in Perilla seed oil was measured.
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    Examples are soybean, rapeseed and tlaxseed, wheat germ, hempseed, and perilla oils, with soybean being the most important.
  • 百科
  • 紫苏籽油

    紫苏籽油英文学名Perilla Seed Oil,从唇形科药用植物紫苏(Perilla frutesccns)的成熟的种籽获得,是一种高不饱和度的天然油脂,所含主要成份为α-亚麻酸,含量高达67%左右,是目前所发现的所有天然植物油中这种脂肪酸含量最高的。
