check | cheque | cashier's check
The reason they call them coupons is that, in the old days, you used to actually--when you bought a bond, there would be a piece of paper and the piece of paper would have attached to it a lot of little coupons that you would clip.
金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
zhǐ piào ㄓㄧˇ ㄆㄧㄠˋ 纸票(纸票) (1).指字据。《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十三:“ 六老 只得东挪西凑……却也不够使用。只得又寻了 王三 ,写一纸票,又往 褚员外 家借了六十金,方得发迎会亲。” (2).指纸币。 郭沫若 《塔·万引》:“他穿的和服的衣袖里,左边是一枝铅笔和一个抄本,右边是两张一角钱的纸票。” (3).客家语中的“钱”的意思,等同与钞票。