... 中心轴 central axis 组装费assembly costs 税金、利润 tax and duties and profit ...
供应商应在 B 发出的书面要求规定的时间内采取措施,着手纠错, B 不承担任何有关纠错的费用,这些费用包括但不限于:调查费、运输费、拆卸费、修理 费、组装费、安装费、试验和检验费等。
The SUPPLIER shall, with the time period stipulated in the written claim made by B, take measures and initiate work to remedy the fault or defect at no cost to B.
One problem with the kit-car business, though, is that the vehicles are typically modeled after famous racing and sports cars, making lawsuits and license fees a constant burden.