/ fān xiāng dǎo guì /
  • 简明
  • 新汉英
  • 现代汉语
  • 网络释义
  • 1

     Rummaging through

    岂论是北京爷们仍是上海哥们,众人集腋成裘,掘地三尺,翻箱倒柜(Rummaging through),寻求听雨铁汉。加倍是饼干同窗经常饱含着眼泪,女人的潜在力量总是和温柔调和在一起的。

  • 2

     Cache Grab

    ... 婚礼破坏者 Wedding Crasher 翻箱倒柜 Cache Grab 人形鹞子 Kite Like a Man ...

  • 3

     to overturn trunks and boxes

    翻手为云覆手变雨 ; very powerful and capable (idiom) 翻箱倒柜 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) 翻箱倒箧 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) ..

  • 4

     to make a thorough search

    发件箱 outbox 翻箱倒柜 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) 翻箱倒箧 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) ..

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    As Billy looked through boxes, walked through papers and did some cleaning, he found all kinds of little treasures.
  • 2
    那些特务冲进他的房间翻箱倒柜地搜了一遍, 但没有发现任何可疑的东西。
    The special agents broke into his room and rummaged through chests and cupboards but couldn't find anything suspicious.
  • 3
    But the police just came through the gate and did this.
  • 百科
  • 翻箱倒柜

    翻箱倒柜,汉语成语,拼音是fān xiāng dǎo guì,形容彻底翻检。出自清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》。
