Rummaging through
岂论是北京爷们仍是上海哥们,众人集腋成裘,掘地三尺,翻箱倒柜(Rummaging through),寻求听雨铁汉。加倍是饼干同窗经常饱含着眼泪,女人的潜在力量总是和温柔调和在一起的。
Cache Grab
... 婚礼破坏者 Wedding Crasher 翻箱倒柜 Cache Grab 人形鹞子 Kite Like a Man ...
to overturn trunks and boxes
翻手为云覆手变雨 ; very powerful and capable (idiom) 翻箱倒柜 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) 翻箱倒箧 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) ..
to make a thorough search
发件箱 outbox 翻箱倒柜 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) 翻箱倒箧 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) ..
翻箱倒柜,汉语成语,拼音是fān xiāng dǎo guì,形容彻底翻检。出自清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》。