Media scrutiny
舆论监督(Media scrutiny)
public opinion-based oversight; oversight through public opinion
舆论监督(public opinion-based oversight; oversight through public opinion)
public opinion-based oversight
舆论监督(public opinion-based oversight)
supervision by public opinion
浅析中西方舆论监督之异同_洛浦云台_新浪博客 Key words: supervision by public opinion; different and similar ;characteristics; functions [gap=123]关键词:舆论监督;异同;特点;功能
News supervision of public opinion ; the press supervision of public opinion ; the public supervision of domestic news ; supervision of news and consensus
ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion ; ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion ; ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public
Legai protection for press supervision
舆论监督,全称为社会舆论监督,是我国监督体系中社会监督(外部监督)的一种,其实质是公众的监督。舆论监督作为公民宪法权利(监督权)的体现和常见形式,是社会公众运用各种传播媒介对社会运行过程中出现的现象表达信念、意见和态度的活动。舆论则是公众对特定话题所反映的多数意见之集合,是一种社会评价和社会心理的集中体现。舆论监督常与新闻媒体联系在一起,但其本身并不能直接与新闻媒体划等号,因为新闻不一定是舆论,新闻媒体只是传播意见进而形成舆论的工具,总之,新闻媒体的监督只是舆论监督的一种,而非全部,舆论只是借助于传播工具实现其监督的目的。 在我国,舆论监督也是党和人民通过新闻媒介对社会进行监督的一种方式。