  • 简明
  • 网络释义
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     Sea Captain's Hat

    ... 无尽宝石指环(Ring of Infinite Gems) 船长帽(Sea Captain's Hat) 导航项链(Necklace of Ocean Guidance) ...

  • 2

     pirate's hat

    ... 船长;船主。 ship-master 船长级 kapitan 船长帽 pirate's hat ...

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    ... Supertelescope超级望远镜 Captainhat船长帽 Piratehat海盗帽 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    I asked him if he would like to wear my captain hat, and he excitedly nodded his head.
  • 2
    (天啊!) 这是唯一可以解释为何当船长在发表高见时有一位穿着白T恤,顶着西部牛仔,带着太阳镜的仁兄从镜头中穿过。
    That's the only explanation we have for the guy in the white tee, cowboy hat and sunglasses, walking across the screen right as the good captain was speaking.
  • 3
    Several witnesses testified they had seen a man wearing a "camlet cloak" and a "glazed cap," such as Frank often wore, late on the night of the murder, on Brown Street, behind the White property.