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     computed tomographic scanner

    CT) X 射线电子计算机断层摄影术 computed tomographic scanner 计算机断层扫描仪 computer 计算机,计算器 ..

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     computerized tomography

    脑科学课件 - docin.com豆丁网 术、核磁共振成像术以及正电子发射 断层扫描术等现代先进技术。 (视频:活体脑成像技术) 1.2.1.计算机断层扫描术(computerized tomography,CT) 计算机断层扫描术(computerized tomography,CT)是应用X 射线对头部不同断

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     computer tomography

    目的 比较并分析X线模拟机、B超、计算机断层扫描仪computer tomography,CT)、磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)四种方法测量自由呼吸状态...

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     single photon emission computed tomography

    ...标记的膜联蛋白Ⅴ的摄取增加,通过体外射线探测仪器如单光子发射型计算机断层扫描仪(single photon emission computed tomography,SPECT)、正电子发射型断层扫描仪(positron emission tomography,PET)等,可以...

  • 双语例句
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    By picturing one layer of the body's tissues at a time, ct scanners can detect very small tumors and other disorders.
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    目前,波音公司动用世界上最大的计算断层扫描,或CT ,扫描仪,这些最初由美国航天局建造用于扫描航天飞机部件的缺陷。
    There, Boeing volunteered the world's largest computerized tomography, or CT, scanner, originally built by NASA to scan space shuttle parts for flaws.
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    医学科学家使用一种处于艺术状态的电子计算断层扫描(state-of-the-art CAT-scanner)对图坦卡蒙的遗体作初始的放射学分析,马克尔说。
    Medical scientists used a “state-of-the-art CAT-scanner” to perform initial radiological analysis on Tut, says Markel.