  • 网络释义
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     remember to do sth

    ... go on doing sth.继续做原来在做的同一件事 remember to do sth.记得去做某事 remember doing sth.记得曾经做过某事情 ...

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     Remembers doing sth

    ... 单词讲解 » Words to explain 发动机 » Engine 记得去做某事 » Remembers doing sth ...

  • 3

     Remembered makes something

    反正congrats 记得去做某事 » Remembered makes something 黑夜如此的寂静,想你想的也如此的寂静,慢慢的慢慢的体会,我想你 » Silence of the night so, Miss you so silence, slowly sl...

  • 4

     Remember that to do something

    ... 我个人的看法 » Me personal views 记得去做某事 » Remember that to do something 有三天假期 » A three-day holiday ...

  • 双语例句
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    前瞻记忆是指对预定事件或未来要执行的行为的记忆,即对于将来的某种意向和计划的记忆。 它反映了将来的情况,使人们记得去做某事
    Prospective Memory is memory for activities to be performed in the future, i. e. memory for intentions and plans of the future, which makes people remember to do something in the future.