Kevin Carey说:“这是随着时代的变化而变化的,现在读大学的费用比以前要高多了;因此当人们思考读大学的成本和收益比时,读大学的成本变得越来越高,这让他们变得越来越纠结——他们越来越考虑读完大学后他们会得到什么样的收益。”
College is much, much more expensive than it used to be," he says. "So when people are wrestling with that cost-benefit equation, the cost part of it has gotten bigger and bigger.
很多人都是申请到美国读大学,为什么你会选择过去读高中? 翂。
Most students go to the US to take university programs, why do you choose to study in a US high school?
Your university in the States? You read the geological profession? When the Mongolia to the United States?