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    ... Overcollateralization 增加抵押通知 有关增加抵押的通知 over-commitment 超额承担 overdraft by banks abroad 海外银行同业透支 ...

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    ... overbuying 超买;买空 over-commitment 超额承担 overdraft 透支 ...

  • 双语例句
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    It is now evident that the bankers were being rewarded largely for taking on unacknowledged risks: after the subprime market collapsed, bank shareholders and taxpayers were left to pick up the losses.
  • 2
    留学解答资讯网:我是一个学习东西快,工作积极主动的人。 我喜欢承担新的责任,并能超额的完成任务。
    I am that kind of person who learns something easily, works positely. I also like taking new responsibility and always accomplish it overdued.
  • 3
    本文针对母公司对子公司承担的责任不同,提出了合并 会计报表中对超额亏损的 会计处理方法及理由。
    This paper suggests some accounting methods and reasons to deal with excess deficit in consolidated accounting statement according to the liabilities of the subsidiary to the parent company.