Rumor mongering
让众人看看终归是谁在造谣生事(Rumor mongering),如果你早晨出门时,看到草丛上有一只断翅的小鸟,你会怎么办?挑拨离间。
cause trouble by spreading rumors
... 生事孩子 Katzenjammar kids 造谣生事 cause trouble by spreading rumors 保证再不生事 Guaranteed Don T Gossip ...
Spread Rumours To Create Trouble
... spread news or rumours 透露或散布消息 Spread Rumours To Create Confusion 造谣惑众 Spread Rumours To Create Trouble 造谣生事 ...
cause troubl
造谣生事 spread rumours to create trouble; cause trouble by false stories; cause troubl ..
造谣生事,汉语成语,拼音是zào yáo shēng shì,意思是制造谣言,挑起事端。出自《庄子·盗跖》。