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     Barings crisis

    ... base date 基准日期;基日 Barings crisis 霸菱危机 base cost 基准费用 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    资产管理公司(Baring Asset Management)固定收益及货币业务主管艾伦·王尔德(Alan Wilde)表示:“本周举行债券拍卖时,危机将进入另一个关键阶段。”
    Alan Wilde, head of fixed income and currency at Baring Asset Management, said: "the crisis is reaching another key phase with debt auctions this week."
  • 2
    他们必须对付很多危机,比如曾在垃圾债券市场独占鳌头的Drexel Burnham Lambert丑闻,由于一个不肖交易员而使得英国的银行损失惨重的事件等。
    They had to deal with crises such as the failures of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which dominated the junk-bond market, and Baring Brothers, a British bank brought low by a rogue trader.