In this thesis, the machine vision theory and method were adopted in measuring the turning Angle of HMS (Helmet Mounted Sight) wearing on the head of pilot.
F - 117的部分残骸,例如印有美国空军标志的左机翼,座舱罩,弹射座椅,飞行员头盔和无线电都陈列在贝尔格莱德的航空博物馆做展览。
Parts of the downed F-117 wreckage -such as the left wing with us Air Force insignia, the cockpit canopy, ejection seat, pilot's helmet and radio -are exhibited at Belgrade's aviation museum.
The PNVGs will be used by the U.S. Air Force and Army while the Quad-Eye will serve Navy aviators as part of the Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS).