The Roc's long flight
白色百合,蝙蝠侠4-急冻人 (Batman & Robin),鹏程万里 (The Roc's long flight),罗马第2季 (Rome Season 2), 山巅的呼唤 ( Constans ),怪谈 (Kaidan),炎帝传奇 (Legend of the Emperor Yan),伊凡的冒险生活 (Z...
the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles
鹏 Peng, large fabulous bird; roc 鹏程万里 the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles (idiom); one's future prospects are brilliant 鹏飞 soaring flight; flight of the roc (used in names) ..
have a bright future
鹏程万里 have a bright future
“鹏程万里”是个多义词,它可以指鹏程万里(1977年李文虎、贾士纮执导纪录片), 鹏程万里(汉语成语), 鹏程万里(1959年珠玑、龙图执导电影), 鹏程万里(鹏程万里人才网旗下手机客户端)。