[会计] 会计学
[会计] 会计
...前的学校会比较占优;985、211看情形,也可能会具有一定的优势 申请说明 据立思辰留学360介绍,西悉尼大学会计专业(Accounting)开设的授课型硕士项目有: 会计硕士(Master of Accountancy):属于授课型硕士项目,学制2年共计160个学分,该项目通过了澳洲会...
T核算(Accounting)是指对IT服务运作过程中产生的各种效益和成本进行确认、计量和 报告的过程。
会计 管理会计 ; 管理会计学 ; 治理会计 ; 会计管理
会计 财务会计 ; 金融会计 ; 财务会计学 ; 会计核算
会计部经理 ; 会计经理 ; 会计主管 ; 财务经理
Accounting, or accountancy, is the measurement, processing and communication of financial information about economic entities. Accounting, which has been called the "language of business", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms accounting and financial reporting are often used as synonyms.Accounting can be divided into several fields including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, and tax accounting. Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information, including the preparation of financial statements, to external users of the information, such as investors, regulators and suppliers; and management accounting focuses on the measurement, analysis and reporting of information for internal use by management. The recording of financial transactions, so that summaries of the financials may be presented in financial reports, is known as bookkeeping, of which double-entry bookkeeping is the most common system.Accounting is facilitated by accounting organizations such as standard-setters, accounting firms and professional bodies. Financial statements are usually audited by accounting firms, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States and the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. As of 2012, "all major economies" have plans to converge towards or adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).