/ əˈsɪdəti /
/ əˈsɪdəti /
  • 简明
  • n.酸度;(言辞的)尖酸;酸性;胃酸过多
    • 复数

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1

    [化学] 酸度

    而酸味较强的咖啡,苦味较弱;而以苦味为主体的咖啡,酸味较易显得不足。 3.酸度(Acidity):就品种的标高而言,高地栽种的咖啡会比低地栽种来得酸,较浅焙的豆子,酸味较丰富,烘焙程度较深者,酸味较缺乏。 4.

  • 2

    [化学] 酸性

    ...原理     颜料和酸溶液接触(touch)后,由于颜料和酸作用(role),会造成酸溶液的沾色和颜料本身的变色,颜料的耐酸性(acidity)即是指颜料对抗酸的作用而造成酸溶液的沾色和颜料变色的性能。

  • 3



  • 4


    游离酸值(Acidity)wt:≤0.005% 物化性质(Physical Properties):无色透明液体,有特殊气味。

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Our speciality here are Italian wines, and these tend to be fruity with medium acidity.
  • 2
    The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil's acidity.
  • 3
    She is investigating the effects of changing acidity and temperature in the sea on a creature called the purple sea urchin.
  • 同根词


  • adj.



  • n.


    acidification[化学] 酸化;成酸性;使……发酸

    acidosis[内科] 酸中毒,酸毒症;酸液过多症

  • vi.

    acidify[化学] 酸化;变酸

  • vt.


  • 百科
  • Acidity

    An acid (from the Latin acidus/acēre meaning sour) is a chemical substance whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts. Aqueous solutions of acids have a pH of less than 7. A lower pH means a higher acidity, and thus a higher concentration of positive hydrogen ions in the solution. Chemicals or substances having the property of an acid are said to be acidic.There are three common definitions for acids: the Arrhenius definition, the Brønsted-Lowry definition, and the Lewis definition. The Arrhenius definition defines acids as substances which increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), or more accurately, hydronium ions (H3O+), when dissolved in water. The Brønsted-Lowry definition is an expansion: an acid is a substance which can act as a proton donor. By this definition, any compound which can easily be deprotonated can be considered an acid. Examples include alcohols and amines which contain O-H or N-H fragments. A Lewis acid is a substance that can accept a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond. Examples of Lewis acids include all metal cations, and electron-deficient molecules such as boron trifluoride and aluminium trichloride.Common examples of acids include hydrochloric acid (a solution of hydrogen chloride which is found in gastric acid in the stomach and activates digestive enzymes), acetic acid (vinegar is a dilute solution of this liquid), sulfuric acid (used in car batteries), and tartaric acid (a solid used in baking). As these examples show, acids can be solutions or pure substances, and can be derived from solids, liquids, or gases. Strong acids and some concentrated weak acids are corrosive, but there are exceptions such as carboranes and boric acid.
