[科技] 适应
... 主体和客体间、机体和外界间、同化和顺应机能间不断由不平衡趋于平衡的过程,从而保证了儿童与环境间有效的相互作用。 所谓适应(adaptation),是一种特殊的平衡。适应的本质是机体与环境的平衡(equilibrium),是同化与顺应之间的平衡。
... 吸拇指的人/吮拇指的人/Thumbsucker 改编剧本/兰花窃贼/Adaptation 1408/1048幻影凶间/第1408号房间/Basic Instinct ...
电影改编 ; 剧本 ; 改编电影
黑暗适应 ; 夜视适应
生理 明适应 ; 生理 光适应 ; 亮适应 ; 生理 光适性
In biology, an adaptation, also called an adaptive trait, is a trait with a current functional role in the life history of an organism that is maintained and evolved by means of natural selection. Adaptation refers to both the current state of being adapted and to the dynamic evolutionary process that leads to the adaptation. Adaptations contribute to the fitness and survival of individuals. Organisms face a succession of environmental challenges as they grow and develop and are equipped with an adaptive plasticity as the phenotype of traits develop in response to the imposed conditions. The developmental norm of reaction for any given trait is essential to the correction of adaptation as it affords a kind of biological insurance or resilience to varying environments.