... alcosol醇溶胶 alcove凹室 Alcres铁铝铬耐蚀耐热合金 ...
[建] 壁龛
ALCOVE(壁龛) Alcove从阿拉伯语中的Al Qubbah一词演变而来。Al Qubbah指拱形屋顶或是圆穹顶的的弯曲状。
... 〖mural;fresco〗绘在墙面上的画 〖niche;alcove〗安置在墙壁内的小阁子 〖rampart;barrier〗旧时兵营四周的墙壁,泛指防御、戒备的工事,现在常指互相对立的事物或界限 ...
alcove(凉亭), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
Alcove (/ælˈkoʊv/ or /ˈælkoʊv/; through Spanish: alcoba [alˈkoβa], from Arabic: القبة, meaning al-qubbah, "the vault") is an architectural term for a recess in a room, usually screened off by pillars, balustrades or drapery.In geography and geology, alcove is used for a wind-eroded depression in the side of a cliff of a homogenous rock type, famous from sandstones of the Colorado Plateau like the Navajo Sandstone.