[地质] 蚀变
....有的帮助下 ... ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴 alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变 alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的 ...
... agent/merchant middleman 代理中间商 allowance 折让 alteration 退换 ...
[科技] 变更
... alteration n. 变更,改造 change 本质地变化,甚至失去本性,或一种东西退换了另一种东西; vary 由更替、多样化或生长的变化而引起的一个或一连串变化。 ...
... alterable 可变更的; alteration;更改; alternate;交替或者交替的; ...
变更卸货港附加费 ; 港附加费 ; 变更卸货港 ; 湭
资本更改 ; 资本变更 ; 股本更改 ; 资本的改变
In music, an altered chord, an example of alteration (see below), is a chord with one or more diatonic notes replaced by, or altered to, a neighboring pitch in the chromatic scale. For example the chord progression on the left uses four unaltered chords:The progression on the right uses an altered IV chord and is an alteration of the previous progression. The A♭ in the altered chord serves as a leading tone to G, which is the root of the next chord.