[化学] 铝
´材质(Material):压铸铝(Aluminium)A380表面处理(Surface treatment):喷砂本公司接受各类铝铸件、锌铸件开模..
... Acetone - 丙酮: 影响皮,影响口腔,影响肾脏,影响肝脏,神经损伤和先天缺陷。 Aluminium - 铝: 可引至接触性皮炎;也和阿兹海默症有关. Ammonia - 氨/阿摩尼亚: 损害肺泡. ...
...角度(BeamAngle):15.45度(degrees)工作温度(OperatingTemp): 55 C(centigrade)材质(Materials):铝合金(AlumInIum)认证(SafetyAssurance):ROHS、UL、CE 质量保修:2年欢迎来电来函咨询!
... Acetone - 丙酮: 影响皮,影响口腔,影响肾脏,影响肝脏,神经损伤和先天缺陷。 Aluminium - 铝: 可引至接触性皮炎;也和阿兹海默症有关. Ammonia - 氨/阿摩尼亚: 损害肺泡. ...
碳化铝 ; 三碳化四铝
铝合金 ; 铝合金钢 ; 连接器体材料 ; 高强度铝合金
氧化铝 ; 刚玉 ; 三氧化二铝 ; 铝胶
Aluminium (or aluminum; see spelling differences) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal. Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), and the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8% by weight of the Earth's solid surface. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different minerals. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite.Aluminium is remarkable for the metal's low density and for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of passivation. Structural components made from aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and are important in other areas of transportation and structural materials. The most useful compounds of aluminium, at least on a weight basis, are the oxides and sulfates.Despite its prevalence in the environment, no known form of life uses aluminium salts metabolically. In keeping with its pervasiveness, aluminium is well tolerated by plants and animals. Owing to their prevalence, potential beneficial (or otherwise) biological roles of aluminium compounds are of continuing interest.