... animate vt.使有生命;使活泼;使生气勃勃;激励;adj.有生命,生气勃勃的 animated adj.活生生的,栩栩如生的,活泼的,活跃的,动的,愉快的 animatedly adv.栩栩如生地;活跃地 ...
...抒发个人对于社会中这个不可抗力的无奈之情,比如墓地学派的诗歌都特别表现Elegy墓园挽歌中, What is an “animated (栩栩如生的)bust” (lin就是写过<墓园挽歌>的托马斯.格雷.需要比较详细的个人资料.就是写过<墓园挽歌>的托马斯.格雷.
... anguish n.极度的痛苦,苦闷;vi.使苦恼 animated adj.有生气的,热烈的 annex v.附加n.附件 ...
最佳动画长片 ; 最佳动画片 ; 少片 ; 动画长片
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Animation is the process of creating motion and shape change[Note 1] illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon. Animators are artists who specialize in the creation of animation.Animations can be recorded on either analogue media, such as a flip book, motion picture film, video tape, or on digital media, including formats such as animated GIF, Flash animation or digital video. To display it, a digital camera, computer, or projector are used.Animation creation methods include the traditional animation creation method and those involving stop motion animation of two and three-dimensional objects, such as paper cutouts, puppets and clay figures. Images are displayed in a rapid succession, usually 24, 25, 30, or 60 frames per second.