... 关于canvas是个什么东西,在这我就不做过多的介绍了,随便在度娘上搜一搜,关于canvas的概念啊,API什么的就都有了。那么我们接下来就要开始介绍,动画(animation)是怎样形成的?。
... UninstallCurrentSettins解除当前设定 Animation动画模块 Primitives根基物体 ...
[电影] 动画片
梦工厂 ; 梦工场动画
计 计算机动画 ; 电脑动画 ; 计算机直观显示 ; 电脑卡通制作
皮克斯动画工作室 ; 皮克斯工作室 ; 皮克斯动画工厂
Animation is the process of creating motion and shape change[Note 1] illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon. Animators are artists who specialize in the creation of animation.Animations can be recorded on either analogue media, such as a flip book, motion picture film, video tape, or on digital media, including formats such as animated GIF, Flash animation or digital video. To display it, a digital camera, computer, or projector are used.Animation creation methods include the traditional animation creation method and those involving stop motion animation of two and three-dimensional objects, such as paper cutouts, puppets and clay figures. Images are displayed in a rapid succession, usually 24, 25, 30, or 60 frames per second.