[法] 上诉
... alibi:不在现场证明 appeal:上诉 appear(incourt):出庭 ...
... Apostrophes(省略符号) Appeal(呼吁) Appeal当下是不及物动词(除了在美国),所以appeal要加上 against decisions 什么的。 ...
给进口商机会申诉(Appeal) 美国海关有一个办公室,office regulation and ruling(ORR), 其成员包括律师,有200-300人,最近几年加入import specialist,...
致命的吸引力(Appeal):Pilgreen(2000)指出:这个要素包含自选书及丰富 的阅读型态。
In law, an appeal is a process for requesting a formal change to an official decision. Very broadly speaking there are appeals on the record and de novo appeals. In de novo appeals, a new decision maker re-hears the case without any reference to the prior decision maker. In appeals on the record, the decision of the prior decision maker is challenged by arguing that he or she misapplied the law, came to an incorrect factual finding, acted in excess of his jurisdiction, abused his powers, was biased, considered evidence which he should not have considered, or failed to consider evidence that he should have considered.