... apportion vt.分派, 分摊; 分配 portion n.一部分, 一分 appraisal n.评价, 估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税),鉴定 ...
... Regulation:规章 Apportion:摊派 Arrear:欠费,拖欠债务 ...
... apply 适用爱上OK124;施加;申请◇英文 ◇中文 apportion 按比例分配 appreciation 鉴别 ...
portion / part / proportion
The legal term apportionment (French apportionement; Med. Latin apportionamentum; derived from Latin portio, share) means distribution or allotment in proper shares.It is a term used in law in a variety of senses. Sometimes it is employed roughly and has no technical meaning; this indicates the distribution of a benefit (e.g. salvage or damages under the Fatal Accidents Act 1846, § 2), or liability (e.g. general average contributions, or tithe rent-charge), or the incidence of a duty (e.g. obligations as to the maintenance of highways).In its strict legal interpretation apportionment falls into two classes: "apportionment in respect of estate" and "apportionment in respect of time."