... subjective 主观的(非客观的) arbitrary 任意的;武断的;随心所欲的 vast 辽阔的;巨大的 ...
[数] 任意的
... Flip Horizontal 水平翻转 Arbitrary 任意角度 90°CCW 学习静态管道混合器逆时针90度 ...
实际上,即使是“专断的”(arbitrary)这个术语,也未能保 住其古典的意义。
临时款项 ; 常设款项
随意存取 ; 随机存取 ; 金融 任意存取
测 任意投影 ; 尽情投影
Arbitrariness is the quality of being "determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle".Arbitrary decisions are not necessarily the same as random decisions. For example, during the 1973 oil crisis, Americans were allowed to purchase gasoline only on odd-numbered days if their license plate was odd, and on even-numbered days if their license plate was even. The system was well-defined and not random in its restrictions; however, since license plate numbers are completely unrelated to a person's fitness to purchase gasoline, it was still an arbitrary division of people. Similarly, schoolchildren are often organized by their surname in alphabetical order, a non-random yet still arbitrary method, at least in cases where surnames are irrelevant.