[法] 仲裁员
...常设仲裁机构进行的任何仲裁; “仲裁协议”(arbitration agreement) 的涵义与第19条中该词的涵义相同; “仲裁员”(arbitrator) 除在第23、24、30、31、32及65条及附表2第1条外,包括一名公断人; “仲裁庭”(arbitral tribunal) 指一名独任仲裁员或一组仲裁...
[法] 仲裁人
用法律的权能, 仲裁人 ( Arbitrator )系对争议之解决有决定权之人,且其所作的决定称为判断(Award),此判断与法院的确定判决有同一效力.
仲裁协议 仲裁者(Arbitrator)是某个公正的第三方。在执行协议的 过程中,其它各方均信赖他。
中心调度(CentralScheduling,CS),又称为 仲裁器 ( Arbitrator ),从多个有竞争的输入端口中选择一个,将其分组送到输出 端口,未被选择的端口来的分组在缓存中排队,等待下一轮中心调度的仲裁...
独任仲裁员 ; 仲裁员 ; 单独仲裁人 ; 唯一仲裁员
法 首席仲裁员
指定仲裁员声明 ; 指定仲裁员声明书
An arbitral tribunal (or arbitration tribunal) is a panel of one or more adjudicators which is convened and sits to resolve a dispute by way of arbitration. The tribunal may consist of a sole arbitrator, or there may be two or more arbitrators, which might include either a chairman or an umpire. The parties to a dispute are usually free to agree the number and composition of the arbitral tribunal. In some legal systems, an arbitration clause which provides for two (or any other even number) of arbitrators is understood to imply that the appointed arbitrators will select an additional arbitrator as a chairman of the tribunal, to avoid deadlock arising. Different legal systems differ as to how many arbitrators should constitute the tribunal if there is no agreement.Arbitral tribunals are usually constituted (appointed) in two types of proceedings:Permanent tribunals tend to have their own rules and procedures, and tend to be much more formal. They also tend to be more expensive, and, for procedural reasons, slower.