IBM Power和安谋(ARM)是挑战英特尔x86服务器架构的二大平台.
[解剖 机] 臂
面(Face):让患者微笑,是否存在一侧面瘫? 手臂(Arm):让患者抬起两只手臂,是否有一侧手臂落下? 言语(Speech):让患者重复一个简单的词语,是否存在言语不清或异常之处?
手挽手地 ; 臂挽臂 ; 挽手 ; 臂挽着臂
解剖 上臂 ; 上臂围 ; 臂 ; 上腕
磁头臂 ; 计 存取臂 ; 感应磁头臂 ; 出入臂
In human anatomy, the arm is the upper limb of the body, comprising regions between the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) and the elbow joint. In common usage the arm extends to the hand. It can be divided into the upper arm (brachium), the forearm (ante brachium), and the hand (manus). Anatomically the shoulder girdle with bones and corresponding muscles is by definition a part of the arm. The Latin term brachium may refer to both the arm as a whole or to the upper arm on its own.