捕捉(Capture):一项无标记的动作捕捉技术,用来进行生物力学评估。 运动员(Athlete):一个定制化的手机程序,运动员可以通过它将个人的健康状况数据和心理数据发送给教练团队。
...ed)更多,NBA的奥尼尔仍然双学位(Dual Degree),nba有良多都是大学生,有些大型(Large-scale)国外竞争,到场竞争的选手(Athlete)是牙医,不保护就是一种保护,过度保护反而是一种伤害。 2.
... well-known家喻户晓的;出名的;清晰明白 athleten.运带动;运动选手 goldadj.金的;金制的n.黄金;金币 ...
Hi' (ATHLETE) is a six-legged robotic lunar rover under development by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). ATHLETE is a testbed for systems, and is designed for use on the Moon.The system is in development along with NASA's Johnson and Ames Centers, Stanford University and Boeing. ATHLETE is designed, for maximum efficiency, to be able to both roll and walk over a wide range of terrains.