auer ' s bodies
auer s body
auer s bodies
Auer小体: AUER体显微镜下图在瑞氏或吉姆萨 的血或骨髓涂片中,白细胞胞质中出现染红色细杆状物质,1条或数条不等,长1~6um,称为Auer小体(棒状小体),这种Auer小体出现在急性髓细胞白血病(AML)、急性单核细胞白血病中,在骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)的RAEB-t型也可检出。 Auer小体是急性非淋巴细胞白血病一个具有诊断意义的形态学特征,其在急非淋的检出、分布情况及与疗效的关系有诊断性的临床意义。 Auer rod. An Auer rod (arrow) is arod-shaped inclusion in the cytoplasm of cells of myeloid lineage formed by thecrystallization of azurophilicgranule constituents. Auer rods are seen only in acute myeloidleukemia and high-grade myelodysplastic syndromes. They are usually seen in blastcells but are occasionally found in maturing cells(×1000). In acute myeloid leukemia, blast cellsare generally larger, with more plentiful cytoplasm that may contain granules orAuer rods 参考 西氏内科学 第24版