boarding pass
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.登机证
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    比如,如果一个用户在他的日程(Calendar)应用里列了一次航班,又在Passbook应用里存了登机牌(boarding pass),在航班临近的时候,Proactive界面就会冒泡显示登机牌的快速获取方式。Proactive还能推送提醒,避免让用户错过日程安排。

  • 2


    直接在一个柜台用身份证换了登记牌(BOARDING PASS),然后安检(我们就随身带了包包),然后就在候机了.由于是一大早,候机室人奚奚落落的,很冷清,在等待的过程中,看着周围的景物有点兴奋...

  • 3


    ... 起飞/抵达时间 departure/arrival time 登记卡 boarding pass 安全检查 security check ...

  • 4


    ... 被派强行登敌船者 boarder 登船证 boarding pass ; boarding permit 活动登船梯 landing apron ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Passport and Boarding Pass, please.
  • 2
    Here's your ticket back, and here's your boarding pass.
  • 3
    May I see your boarding pass?
  • 同近义词
  • 百科
  • Boarding pass

    A boarding pass is a document provided by an airline during check-in, giving a passenger permission to board the airplane for a particular flight. As a minimum, it identifies the passenger, the flight number, and the date and scheduled time for departure. In some cases, flyers can check in online and print the boarding passes themselves.Generally a passenger with an electronic ticket will only need a boarding pass. If a passenger has a paper airline ticket, that ticket (or flight coupon) may be required to be attached to the boarding pass for him or her to board the aircraft. The paper boarding pass (and ticket, if any), or portions, are sometimes collected and counted for cross-check of passenger counts by gate agents, but more frequently are scanned (via barcode or magnetic stripe). The standards for bar codes and magnetic stripes on boarding passes are published by IATA. The bar code standard (BCBP) defines the 2D bar code printed on paper boarding passes or sent to mobile phones for electronic boarding passes. The magnetic stripe standard (ATB2) expired in 2010. For "connecting flights" there will be a boarding pass needed for each new flight (distinguished by a different flight number) regardless of whether a different aircraft is boarded.Most airports and airlines have automatic readers that will verify the validity of the boarding pass at the jetway door or boarding gate. This also automatically updates the airline's database that shows the passenger has boarded and the seat is used, and that the checked baggage for that passenger may stay aboard. This speeds up the paperwork process at the gate, but requires passengers with paper tickets to check in, surrender the ticket and receive the digitized boarding pass.
