... bold a. 勇敢的,大胆的;放肆的;无礼的 bolster n. 长枕;垫枕;靠枕 bonanza n. 额外好处;带来好运的事物;富矿带 ...
... pillowcase枕头套 bolster长枕套 bedline被单和枕套 ...
... bolometer辐射热测量计 bolster垫板 bolster上下模板 ...
... blankingdie落料冲头 bolster上下模板 bottomboard浇注底板 ...
固定侧模板 ; 固定侧模型板 ; 牢固侧模板 ; 安稳侧模板
可动侧模板 ; 可动侧模型板
A bolster is a long narrow pillow or cushion filled with cotton, down or fibre. Bolsters are usually firm for back or arm support or for decorative application. They are not a standard size or shape and commonly have a zipper or hook-and-loop enclosure. A foam insert is sometimes used for additional support. A bolster is also referred to as a cushion, a pillow and a prop. In western countries, a bolster is usually placed at the head of one's bed and functions as head or lower back support, or as an arm support on furniture with high rigid sides. Bolster pillows are also used as bumpers in cribs and for lounging on the floor in family and children's rooms.In the United States, "body pillows" resemble bolsters and are designed to be hugged when sleeping.