/ ˈbʌmpi /
/ ˈbʌmpi /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • adj.(旅程)颠簸的;不平的,多凸块的;经历困难,处境艰难
  • 【名】 (Bu)(柬、缅)布(人名);(越)补(人名)
    • 比较级

      bumpier或more bumpy
    • 最高级

      bumpiest或most bumpy
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... elitist n. 优秀人才;杰出人物 bumpy adj. 颠簸的;崎岖不平的 resilient adj. 弹回的,有弹力的 ...

  • 2


    ... introduction介绍,传入,初步,导言,绪论,入门 bumpy颠簸的,崎岖不平的 flight射击,使惊飞 ...

  • 3


    ... 尽管崎岖地形 Despite Its Rugged Terrain 崎岖地形纹理 Bumpy 峰岭崎岖地形 Feral Landscape ...

  • 4


    bumpy(坎坷), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

  • 1
    bumpy flight

    不平稳的飞行 ; 颠簸飞行 ; 颠簸的空中飞行 ; 不服稳的航行

  • 2
    Bumpy Road

    崎岖之路 ; 晚暮回忆路 ; 坎坷之路 ; 崎岖之旅

  • 3
    bumpy racer


  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Buckle up; it gets a bit bumpy!
  • 2
    A machine designed for remote areas with bumpy roads and a host of other calamities.
  • 3
    "It is still difficult for a biped robot to walk on a bumpy surface, even on Earth," the official said.
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 百科
  • Bumpy

    Bumpy is a species of Jellyfish, Stellamedusa ventana.The species was first described in the Journal of the Marine Biological Association in 2004 by Kevin Raskoff and George Matsumoto of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. As of February 2004, seven specimens have been observed, five off the California coast in Monterey Bay and two in the Gulf of California. Unlike most medusae, they lack marginal tentacles. Specimens so far found reach almost 10 cm in diameter, which is large for a scyphomedusa. The bell is blue-white in colour. The exumbrella is white, and this and the four oral arms are covered with large nematocyst-laden projections filled with stinging cells, enabling the jelly to capture food items of a variety of sizes; it seems to prefer large prey, up to half its size, which is unusual in jellies that capture prey with their bells rather than with tentacles. The bumpy appearance that the stinging cells give to the jelly led to its common name. The species name comes from the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Ventana, a deep-diving robot submarine that first recorded the jelly on video in 1990.Stellamedusa ventana has so far been observed only at mesopelagic depths, i.e. between 150 and 550 meters. At these depths, sunlight does not penetrate, but there is still a reasonable amount of oxygen. Many species of jellyfishes live at this level, and it is likely that S. ventana feeds primarily on other jellies. Another large jellyfish discovered by the same researchers is Big Red.
