[食品] 黄油
相关标签: 油桶 筒装黄油食品简介 黄油(Butter)是用牛奶加工出来的,把新鲜牛奶加以搅拌之后上层的浓稠状物体滤去部分水分之后的产物。
奶油(butter): 就是动物性黄油,一般做点心建议使用无盐奶油,盐分的使用完全依食谱来做调整而不必去估算含盐奶油中所含的盐量多寡。
Butter (无盐黄油):1~2 stick
可可脂 ; 纯可可油 ; 可可油 ; 食品 可可豆脂
食品 花生酱 ; 花生巧克力 ; 落花生酱 ; 花生黄油
牛油蛋糕 ; 奶油蛋糕 ; 黄油蛋糕 ; 奶油饼
Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking, such as baking, sauce making, and pan frying. Butter consists of butterfat, milk proteins and water.Most frequently made from cows' milk, butter can also be manufactured from the milk of other mammals, including sheep, goats, buffalo, and yaks. Salt, flavorings and preservatives are sometimes added to butter. Rendering butter produces clarified butter or ghee, which is almost entirely butterfat.Butter is a water-in-oil emulsion resulting from an inversion of the cream, an oil-in-water emulsion; the milk proteins are the emulsifiers. Butter remains a solid when refrigerated, but softens to a spreadable consistency at room temperature, and melts to a thin liquid consistency at 32–35 °C (90–95 °F). The density of butter is 911 g/L (56.9 lb/ft3).It generally has a pale yellow color, but varies from deep yellow to nearly white. Its unmodified color is dependent on the animals' feed and is commonly manipulated with food colorings in the commercial manufacturing process, most commonly annatto or carotene.