... 〖unifiedexamination〗在某些地区或对某些学科统一命题,并在同一时间组织考试 〖centralize〗全部归拢于某一方面 〖command〗统率领导 ...
... 品牌的三个C: 1)集中CENTRALIZE 2)一致CONSENSUS ...
...建筑摄影 建筑旅游 关键词 商务设施 CBD 选址 集聚 长沙市 [gap=264]Key Words Business facilities, CBD, Location, Centralize, Changsha City ...
... 船体中央的 midship 集中于中央的 centralize 近身体中央的 proximal ...
Centralisation, or centralization (see spelling differences), is the process by which the activities of an organisation, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, become concentrated within a particular location and/or group or keeping all of the important decisionmaking powers within head office or the centre of the organisation.The term has a variety of meanings in several fields. In political science, centralisation refers to the concentration of a government's power – both geographically and politically – into a centralised government. In neuroscience, centralisation refers to the evolutionary trend of the nervous system to be partitioned into a central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. In business studies, centralisation and decentralisation refer to where decisions are made in the chain of command.