/ ˈklɒkwɜːk /
/ ˈklɑːkwɜːrk /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.发条装置;钟表装置
  • adj.装有发条的;重复的;可预测的;平稳的,有规律的
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... AerialBoundaries空中界限 Clockwork发条 CastYourFateToWind把你的命运扔到风中 ...

  • 2


    ... clockwise顺时针方向的 clockwork钟表机构 clodbreaker碎土块机 ...

  • 3


    ... clockwise顺时针方向的 clockwork发条装置,发条机构 clockworktimer时钟结构定时器 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    While economic recessions hit some sectors hard, others go on like clockwork, or even experience growth.
  • 2
    He is home by six every day regular as clockwork.
  • 3
    The president's trip is arranged to go like clockwork, everything pre-planned to the minute.
  • 词典短语
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Clockwork

    Clockwork refers to the inner workings of either a mechanical clock (where it is also called a movement) or another device that operates in a similar fashion (such as a dial indicator). Specifically, the term refers to mechanisms utilizing a complex series of gears. One of the earliest known examples of a clockwork mechanism is the Antikythera mechanism, a first-century BC geared astrolabe device for calculating star positions, recovered from a Greek shipwreck.A clockwork motor is a clockwork device mechanically powered by a mainspring, a spiral torsion spring of metal ribbon. Energy is stored in the mainspring manually by winding it up, turning a key attached to a ratchet which twists the mainspring tighter. Then the force of the mainspring turns the clockwork's gears, until the stored energy is used up. The adjective wind-up refers to mainspring-powered clockwork devices, which include clocks and watches, kitchen timers, music boxes, and wind-up toys.
