[社科] 联盟
联盟策略:所谓联盟(Coalitions)是团体间,为达成某一公共政策目标而存在的明 显工作关系; 2.
联合(Coalition):参与者整合他们数量㆖的力量,形成㆒个多数。各 政党用自运用其影响力来影响参与者,用多数决来解决冲突,使政策定 案。
" 结合 "( Coalition )是与协商一致的决策紧密相连的. 一旦决策制定出来,决策制定者就要在执行决策中 结合 起来.
反战联盟 ; 停战联盟
硅谷毒物联盟 ; 硅谷有毒物质联盟 ; 硅谷防止有毒物质联盟 ; 包括硅谷有毒物质联盟
A coalition is a pact or treaty among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience. A coalition thus differs from a more formal covenant. Possibly described as a joining of 'factions', usually those with overlapping interests rather than opposing.