[涂料] 涂料
...,勤劳艰苦,有良好地生活作息习惯,精力充足,能以百分之一百地热忱投入工作(work),与其他工友沟通融洽。 墙面涂料(coating):张钱贵 小伙子年轻,有活力今年23岁从他身上系看到了挣钱地辛苦也看到了压力,当然面对这些我们更能看出这个小伙子身上所具有地...
[涂料] 涂层
...铝粉或云铁地涂料(coating)封闭这些缺陷,并达到正确地膜厚。但是如果针孔很严重,通常很难消除,中间地空气会在新涂层(coating)中逃逸而出现新地针孔,这时除去涂层(coating)重新涂装(The coating)是唯一地方法。
[材] 涂布
...材质 隔膜充填液:甘油 或 矽油 〈其他特殊油可订制〉 耐温:标准80℃以下 〈耐200℃或400℃可订制〉 特殊选项: * 涂布(Coating):PTF..
涂料 粉末涂料 ; 粉末涂装 ; 涂料 粉末涂敷 ; 硫磺
镀锌 ; 镀锌层 ; 镀锌制品 ; 涂锌
化工 浸涂 ; 浸漆 ; 浸渍涂敷 ; 浸渍涂布
A coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. The purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both. The coating itself may be an all-over coating, completely covering the substrate, or it may only cover parts of the substrate. An example of all of these types of coating is a product label on many drinks bottles- one side has an all-over functional coating (the adhesive) and the other side has one or more decorative coatings in an appropriate pattern (the printing) to form the words and images.Paints and lacquers are coatings that mostly have dual uses of protecting the substrate and being decorative, although some artists paints are only for decoration, and the paint on large industrial pipes is presumably only for the function of preventing corrosion.Functional coatings may be applied to change the surface properties of the substrate, such as adhesion, wetability, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance. In other cases, e.g. semiconductor device fabrication (where the substrate is a wafer), the coating adds a completely new property such as a magnetic response or electrical conductivity and forms an essential part of the finished product.A major consideration for most coating processes is that the coating is to be applied at a controlled thickness, and a number of different processes are in use to achieve this control, ranging from a simple brush for painting a wall, to some very expensive machinery applying coatings in the electronics industry. A further consideration for 'non-all-over' coatings is that control is needed as to where the coating is to be applied. A number of these non-all-over coating processes are printing processes.Many industrial coating processes involve the application of a thin film of functional material to a substrate, such as paper, fabric, film, foil, or sheet stock. If the substrate starts and ends the process wound up in a roll, the process may be termed "roll-to-roll" or "web-based" coating. A roll of substrate, when wound through the coating machine, is typically called a web.Coatings may be applied as liquids, gases or solids.