娄斗菜, 男丑角 Harlequin 的女配角 Commandant n. 司令官, 指挥官, 军校校长 Congo n. 刚果(非洲中部的国家) .
OF-3少校(Major)少校(Major)少校少校(Commandant)少校(Major)三等陆佐少校(Майор)少校 OF-2上尉(Captain)上尉(Captain)上尉 上尉(Capitaine)大尉(Stabs- hauptmann)一等陆尉...
Commandant (/ˌkɒmənˈdɑːnt/ or /ˌkɒmənˈdænt/) is a title often given to the officer in charge of a military (or other uniformed service) training establishment or academy. This usage is common in anglophone nations. In some countries it may be a military or police rank. It is also often used to refer to the commander of a military prison or prison camp (including Nazi concentration camps and prisoner of war camps).