[法] 腐化
具体打法是这样的:一开始就放痛苦诅咒(Curse of Agony)引来怪物同时让VW上去顶怪,然后施放腐化(Corruption)献祭(Immolate)再放Shadowbolt(暗影箭),这时候怪物的HP基本都只剩下一半了。
... 更正分录correcting entry 贿赂,行贿corruption 成本摊配,成本转并cost absorption ...
In philosophical, theological, or moral discussions, corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement. Government, or 'political', corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain.The word corrupt when used as an adjective literally means "utterly broken". The word was first used by Aristotle and later by Cicero who added the terms bribe and abandonment of good habits. Morris, a professor of politics, writes that corruption is the illegitimate use of public power to benefit a private interest. Economist I. Senior defines corruption as an action to (a) secretly provide (b) a good or a service to a third party (c) so that he or she can influence certain actions which (d) benefit the corrupt, a third party, or both (e) in which the corrupt agent has authority. Kauffman, from the World Bank extends the concept to include 'legal corruption' in which power is abused within the confines of the law - as those with power often have the ability to shape the law for their protection.