[服装] 服装
...文化的组成元素有两部分,分别是可见的(visible),和不可见的(invisible)。 Visible components:服装(costume):电影里师傅所穿的衣服。饮食(cuisine):面条,包子,饺子,用筷子就餐。
`Z3@ h0 综艺网0i3{)^9f`%NN0COSPLAY是costume(服装、装束)和play(游戏)的简称,译为“角色扮演”,亦称动漫真人秀,是一种由真人穿着特定服饰来扮演动漫或游戏中的角色的艺术行为,深受...
... corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;(渐渐)损害,(一点一点地)损伤 costume n.(一个时期、一国或一个阶层等中流行的)全套服饰,服装式样;戏装;(特定场合穿的)成套服装 adj.化妆穿戴的;表现服装特色的 ...
毕业论文天下网_中国综艺节目主持人服饰浅析_服装设计毕业论文格式范文 关键词:综艺节目; 主持人; 服饰 [gap=1331]Key words: variety show ; host ; costume
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Costume or fancy dress is the distinctive style of dress of a particular people, class, or period. A costume can be a particular style of clothing worn to portray the wearer as a character or type of character other than their regular persona at a social event such as a masquerade, a fancy dress party or in a theatre performance.