... cubby 小房间 cubbyhole 文件架 cubbyhouse 小屋子 ...
... secure 安全的 cubbyhole 舒适的小窝 snuggery 温暖舒适的地方...
A cubby-hole, cubby-house or cubby is a small, snug place, which may be considered and used as a place of safety for children. This may be constructed by the children themselves and used as a place of play. Autistic children are especially fond of such places. Children may have a small shed, play-house or tent which they use as a cubby-house. Children might build their own in various places in the house or garden, or have a pre-fabricated cubby. An Australian fictional treatment of the quest for the perfect cubby can be found in Ursula Dubosarsky's "The Cubby House", illustrated by Mitch Vane.