...ee Master Training):在之前升级基础上增加100点魔法,魔法恢复速度加快30%,增加40点生命,并可以使用占据(快捷键A)。诅咒 (Curse):快捷键C咒一个敌方单位,使其在攻击时有33%的机率攻击失误,这个技能可设置为自动施放。
...程 生命值 675 夜晚视距 80 护甲类型 重型生命答复 一直 移动速度 迅速(300) 护甲强度 2 魔法值 300魔法技能 进犯 咒骂 ( Curse ): 咒骂 1个纲本,使得它正在进犯中有33%的几率不能击中。可以设订为AUTO释放。
古宅心慌慌 ; 片 ; 片名
满城尽带黄金甲 ; 黄金甲 ; 黄金甲专辑 ; 满城尽带黄金甲专辑
原振侠与卫斯理 ; 卫斯理传奇系列 ; 年
A curse (also called a jinx, hex or execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity—one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse" may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic, witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result. To reverse or eliminate a curse is called removal or breaking, and is often believed to require equally elaborate rituals or prayers.The word "curse" may also refer to the resulting adversity; for example, menstruation has been described as the "curse of Eve".The study of the forms of curses comprise a significant proportion of the study of both folk religion and folklore. The deliberate attempt to levy curses is often part of the practice of magic. In Hindu culture the Sage or Rishi is believed to have the power to bless and curse. Examples include the curse placed by Rishi Bhrigu on king Nahusha and the one placed by Rishi Devala. Special names for specific types of curses can be found in various cultures: